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View The Linton Springs Elementary PTA Calendar

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LSE PTA is a volunteer-run organization and we need your help to make this year sucessful for our school community!  Please sign up to help on one of our planning committees using this Sign-up Genius.

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A friendly reminder -- all committee members should be members of LSE PTA.


Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee brings important issues that require action to the attention of our elected leaders.  Goals of the committee include understanding and educating the community on the issues and organizing advocacy efforts (letter writing, etc).


Bingo Night

Identify Bingo Night event date and get approval.  Develop and distribute flyers and sell tickets.  Purchase necessary supplies with PTA budget and arrange for Bingo prizes.  Organize day-of-event volunteers using a sign-up genius.



5th Grade Committee

Plans and coordinates events and activities for the 5th grade class, including the picnic and promotion celebration.  Coordinates fundraising/donation collection for the committee.


Fun Run Committee (Co-Chairs:  Trish Phillips and Liz Bauman, lintonfunrun@gmail.com)

Coordinates the Fun Run which is our biggest fundraiser.  Sets up donation form online and on paper.  Solicits donations from area businesses to serve as raffle prizes for participants.  Coordinates class prize for the highest fundraising class.  Runs event with volunteers.


Holiday Shop Committee

Purchases items to fill the holiday shop so that students can buy gifts for family and friends.  This year we are planning evening and/or weekend shopping hours rather than during the school day.  The committee is responsible for ordering items and running the event with support from volunteers.


Hospitality Committee (Co-Chair:  Amy Hardesty, Chair needed for next year)

Teacher appreciation week is in early May and we usually coordinate a catered lunch and gift.  We also recognize staff on their designated days (administrative professionals, instructional assistants, nurse, etc) and provide gifts/food during the school year.


Literacy Programs Committee

Organize Read Across America events -- update flyers, run Reading Challenge, purchase books for prizes. Purchase prizes for Summer Reading Program Incentives and update flyers. Committee will coordinate with Media Specialist and Reading Specialist.


Play Day (Field Day) Committee

Works with the PE teachers to coordinate supplies need for the Play Day in the Spring (usually late May).  The PTA has a budget to cover participant medals, ribbons, ice pops, extra water bottles, etc.  Jobs include purchasing supplies and coordinating (making a sign-up genius) for volunteers for the day.


Restaurant Nights Committee

Coordinate restaurant nights as fundraisers during the year.  This includes making the arrangements, handling any flyers (electronic or paper), working with communications committee to publicize the nights, submitting checks for earned funds.  Chick-fil-A Restaurant Nights have already been set up for this year so it would be just filling in others.


Science Fair Committee

Is there interest in hosting a school Science Fair? This committee would coordinate the efforts, select and get an event date approved, establish guidelines and/or rules, line up judges and awards.


Spirit Committee

Identify dates and plan events for: Kindergarten Meet & Greets, Ice Cream Social, Spirit Days/Weeks, Recess Dance parties. Event planning, decorations, giveaways, etc are coordinated by this committee.



Starbucks School Store Committee

Students can redeem their earned StarBucks/Class Dojo points at the PTA’s Starbucks School Store for fun pencils, erasers, squishy balls, etc.  The committee is responsible for purchasing the supplies, scheduling volunteers to run the Starbucks School Store, and replenishing as needed within the budget.


Trunk or Treat Committee

Identify date for event. Plan the event including ticket sales and candy collection if necessary. Develop and distribute flyers and organize day-of-event volunteers using sign-up genius.


Veterans Day Activities (Chair:  Kati Pierce)

The PTA is planning Veterans Day Activities including a Breakfast for the Brave, a handprint flag to decorate the halls, and a Wall of Honor.